As long as we only know ourselves as a separate entity, we will unconsciously resist a fundamental tension at the core of our being.
No matter how outwardly peaceful and compassionate, a small, separate self will always have an underlying drive to fix, manipulate, or control things - ourselves or the environment - in order to feel okay. This unconscious drive ripples out into the world in unsustainable ways - it can even be seen as the root of most human injustices and the destruction of our biosphere. |
Spiritual Awakening can be viewed as a shift in identity. When our primary identity as a small, separate self broadens to include the vast, embodied, and conscious field of fundamental non-separateness, we naturally find our hearts opening profoundly to the world and our actions based increasingly in compassion.
The awakening process liberates us to dance in the Totality of who and what we are - a seemingly separate being that is simultaneously All That Is. |
Activism can be defined as acting on behalf of something beyond our own self-interest. When we awaken to Fundamental Unity in an embodied way, we realize that whatever we do to another, we do to ourselves.
We also realize the old fear- and anger-driven ways of pushing to "make things happen" are no longer sustainable, and we gradually release the divisive, "us vs them" mentality. Our action on behalf of the greater good becomes increasingly sourced by the beautiful, humble, and life-giving synergy between our tender yet expansive hearts, our deep trust in Life, and our joyful offering of our gifts. |
Just because we awaken spiritually, it doesn't mean that we're automatically "fully awake" to social dynamics and inequities. However, embodied spiritual awakening can give us the strength and compassion to open our hearts even deeper to the realities of the world, and an increased willingness to see the ways in which we ourselves contribute to the suffering of others. When we've heard the cries, opened our minds, and let our hearts be penetrated, new forms of compassionate action will naturally emerge.
Embodied spiritual awakening allows us to recognize the fundamental unity of everything, and opens a doorway to being in conscious mutuality with all beings, and with the earth herself. But we must actively walk through that doorway, and open our hearts, minds, and senses to attune to the more-than-human world in order to become increasingly skillful stewards of this sacred planet.