Harvest the gold from your transpersonal experiences
The Veil parts and we're given glimpses from beyond - insights we know in our bones to be true, instructions we know in our hearts we must follow...
Humans have been accessing multi-dimensional wisdom for thousands of years, and have cultivated countless practices to facilitate this access - meditation, chanting, dancing, drumming, fasting, vision quests and walkabouts, intense physical exertion, guided meditation, hypnotherapy, and using medicinal plants.
Traditional cultures had ways to make meaning of these numinous gifts from beyond and weave them into daily, collective life. Industrialized civilization...not so much.
How will you honor the gifts you were given?
Whether your experience happened yesterday or 50 years ago, I can support you in making contact with the wisdom you received and find ways to meaningfully integrate it into your life:
remember - have your experience deeply held, honored, named, and witnessed
access - reconnect with, feel, and know the messages you were given
decode - identify how these messages relate to your current life
embody - live and take actions congruent with the wisdom
share - explore how your gift may also serve your community
Psychedelic Integration Circle
Bring your Journey to Life!
Next Circle: Friday, March 22
I am offering intimate, in-person, facilitated groups on integrating psychedelic and multi-dimensional experiences. Join us to mine the gold from your recent — or past — psychedelic or transpersonal journey!
Psychedelic and multi-dimensional experiences can be powerful, challenging, confusing, and inspiring. You want to come away from that investment of time and money with understanding and clear next steps to integrate into your daily life.
You can learn to be that translator for yourself with the support skilled facilitation, fun and effective tools, and within a supportive community.
Don’t settle for an "interesting trip." Decode your messages, unravel the mystery, surrender to your inner wisdom and inner guides, and deepen the transformative knowings you were given.
Integration can help you
reconnect with your important experiences
understand the messages and meanings
appreciate the value of the gifts you received
identify practices to cultivate and deepen insights
make changes in your life congruent with your new understandings
What I offer
focused time dedicated to integration
safe, intimate space for exploration
community to share and receive insights and support
fun, creative, and embodied practices to gain insights
skilled facilitation and coaching
tools for continuing integration on your own
Facilitators: Margit Bantowsky Date: Friday, March 22 Time: 5:00 - 8:00 pm Investment: $45 Location: Olympia, WA (sent upon registration) Limit: 8 participants only