Biofield tuning is a holistic healing technique that uses subtle vibrations to restore balance to the body's biofield, which is the energy field that surrounds and permeates the physical body. It is believed that when this field is balanced and free from blockages, a person's overall, physical, emotional, and spiritual health can be improved.
What is Biofield Tuning? Biofield Tuning was developed by pioneering researcher and practitioner Eileen Day McKusick, and is based on her 22 years of clinical inquiry into the Biofield Anatomy.
The term biofield refers to our body’s electrical system in its entirety - both the electric current that runs through our bodies, and the magnetic field that surrounds it.
According to Biofield Tuning theory, stress and traumatic experiences are recorded in our biofield as areas of dissonance. These areas of turbulence - correlated with time like rings on a tree - are associated with the physical body and can express as, anxiety, physical pain, emotional and psychological symptoms, stress, disease, and more. It is believed that tuning happens through the physics principles of resonance and entrainment.
"I am deeply impressed with the results of Margit’s Biofield Tuning work. As an energy worker myself, with 30 years of practice under my belt, I can say that Biofield Tuning is the real deal, extraordinary in its capacity to reach into and support the vibrational core of a person.
And in Margit’s hands, it is pure magic. I have received several Biofield Tuning sessions from Margit and each one brought me to a place of relief, ease and well-being.
In one stand-out session she was working with my adrenal glands. I did not know my adrenal glands needed support and yet I felt such profound relief after the session and this relief became a new normal from that point forward." ~~ Kirstin Eventyr, Energy Healer
Founder Eileen McCusick considers Biofield Tuning a kind of "consciousness hacking" or a targeted nervous system biofeedback process.
What I do Using precise and highly attuned therapeutic sound techniques, I help your biofield - your body's entire electric system - come into balance with its innate blueprint of wellbeing. This can bring deep relaxation and harmony to your whole being: body, mind, psyche, and soul.
Why I love Biofield Tuning I love this modality because it works directly with the subtle (some say causal) dimension of our being, where deep memory and experiences are stored. We work below our habitual stories and beliefs to access and bring back into fundamental resonance our old distortions and imprints.
Biofield Tuning is a great adjunct therapy to transformative Life & Creativity Coaching because it can target hidden energies related to creative expression - e.g. finding our authentic inspiration, initiating projects, cultivating stamina, reaching completion, and putting ourselves and our work "out there."
Biofield Tuning is also great support for the spiritual awakening process and can open us to a deeply relaxed spaciousness. It can also help us bring the body and mind into harmony after experiencing significant spiritual shifts.
Who Can benefit from Biofield Tuning? A wide variety of conditions may be improved by this modality, including:
Digestion problems
Menstrual issues
Adrenal burnout/stress
And more…
Please note that Biofield Tuning is not intended to be used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder, nor is Biofield Tuning a substitute for seeking professional health care advice and services.
Founder Eileen McCusick explains Biofield Tuning
Sound Made Visible The Schumann Resonance is a stable atmospheric electromagnetic frequency sometimes called the Earth's heartbeat. Check it out here:
Below is a cymatics video of the Sonic Slider, one of the tuning forks used in Biofield Tuning. This particular fork vibrates at 93.96Hz, which is the 12th harmonic of the Schumann Resonance (7.83 x12). We also use forks at other harmonic intervals of the Schumann Resonance. As you can see, the sound pattern is quite structured.
Schedule Your Tuning Please use my online scheduler to book a tuning. Be sure to include a note about which kind of tuning you are signing up for! If this is your first time, I recommend investing in a series of 3 tunings, scheduled about a week apart. While much benefit can be realized in a single session, the paced approach of a series allows for integration and momentum, and can offer deeper healing, with more lasting results..
Distance Tuning Interestingly, due to quantum entanglement/non-locality, this work can be conducted at a distance; the same electromagnetic patterns that would reveal themselves in person appear and respond exactly as if the physical body is present. Both client and practitioner proceed as though the body is on the treatment table and a session is conducted accordingly. Clients who receive distance work express amazement at how much they feel in their bodies, while the work is being done, and how different they feel afterwards.
Please read the Biofield Tuning "Cautions and Considerations" handout before booking your sessions: