FREE 40-min Exploratory Session Let's talk about your needs and wants and discover if we're a good fit for each other!
All hourly services: $120/hr (sliding scale to $80/hr) Includes transformative life coaching; Trillium Awakening; Biofield Tuning; multi-dimensional & psychedelic integration; creativity coaching; and awakened activism.
Universal Consciousness soul journeys: $350 per journey (2-3 hours). Sliding scale to$300 For more info, see Universal Consciousness page
About Sliding Scale - I invite you to sense into what feels like an amount which honors your financial situation and also the value of my work. I made the scale so I would be happy being paid anywhere along it, and so that people with more resources could pay a higher amount and people with fewer resources could pay less.
Reparations Rates available - see below
Making Payments
PayPal is the most convenient way for me to receive payment. I also accept cash and checks.
In resonance with my intent to catalyze collective awakening and liberation, and in recognition of the historical and systemic impacts of oppression in the US of minoritized groups, I offer a nominal fee reduction as reparation to people who are assigned minoritized rank due to age, disability, religion, ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, indigenous heritage, national origin (immigrant), and gender.
Minoritized: "A social group that is devalued in society. This devaluing encompasses how the group is represented, what degree of access to resources it is granted, and how the unequal access is rationalized. The term "minoritized" (rather than minority) is used to indicate that the group's lower position is a function of active socially constructed dynamics, rather than its numbers in society." (R DiAngelo, What Does it Mean to be White)
Please let me know at the time of scheduling if you would like to receive a nominal fee reduction to acknowledge the system disadvantage you have experienced due to your membership in the age, disability, religion, ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, indigenous heritage, national origin (immigrant), and/or gender minoritized social grouping(s).
Reparations Scale for hourly sessions: $100 - $60 Reparations Scale for Universal Consciousness soul journeys: $250 - $200