Guided Meditations for Presence Process Students
Week 1
This Moment Matters - 7 min This meditation invites you to contemplate and feel into the Week 1 conscious response "This Moment Matters." It also includes time to consider the original conscious response from the First Edition, "I Choose to Experience This Moment." A good initiatory step into the Presence Process, this contemplation can be powerful at any point along the way...
Week 1 Lost in Thought - 13 min This meditation explores the 'muscle' of attention as it narrows into concentrated thought, and broadens wide into Whole Being Awareness. Practicing consciously zooming in and zooming out with your attention cultivates recognition of awareness... a key dimension of Presence.
Week 3
Timeless Relaxation - 22 min One of the intentions of Michael Brown's breathing practice is to point us to a place beyond the 'mental plane' that is free of time. This guided inquiry invites us into a direct, felt-sense experience of the timelessness of the "I-Am-Here-Now-In-This" contemplation.
Week 3
Taproot - 26 min While the primary practice of allowing and being with our immediate experience is potent in an of itself, sometimes it can be helpful to follow a "trigger" to its source, especially when it is a strong or persistent one in your life. Also, it's really good to remember how much of our current reactivity stems from unintegrated childhood emotions. Use this meditation to make contact with your 'young one' and consciously integrate his/her experience.
Week 4
Feeling Unconditionally - 18 min Michael Brown invites us to 'feel unconditionally,' and this meditation invites a deeper encounter with letting go of judgment and agenda, to truly feel our experience without conditions.
Week 5
Fundamental Innocence - 17 min Innocence is not only our birthright, it is fundamentally who and what we are... now. By following our experience back into childhood, we establish a relationship with our fundamental innocence and re-thread through our life until it is reconnected with our current experience.
Week 8
Forgiveness - 14 min It can be deceivingly easy (and "comfortable") for us to get stuck in blame. Michael reminds us that we are all doing our best, and even the person we're angry with is just expressing a misguided 'cry for love.' This meditation explores the possibility of forgiving ourselves and forgiving the other person, and allowing ourselves to soften into our mutual, human tenderness.
Week 9
Feeding Ourselves - 10 min Our endless seeking for completion outside of ourselves can be exhausting! According to Michael Brown, it is not only our responsibility to give ourselves the unconditional love we're looking for, but also to learn to nourish ourselves. By giving ourselves the 'felt resonance' of that which we are seeking, we reduce the sense of lack in our lives.
These recorded meditations are designed to help you deepen your direct experience of some of the concepts that Michael Brown describes in his book The Presence Process.
I am recording these meditations over the course of the next 10-weeks as I teach the next round of Presence Process classes. More meditations to come! |