Let my voice guide you into your own wisdom and wholeness
Exploring Resistance - 16:36 min I created this meditation to explore different dimensions of resistance: the ways in which we don't want to be our body and our personality, and the ways in which we don't want to be in this world and in this life. The purpose of this inquiry is to become aware of the unconscious ways that we are resisting fully being here.
As with the Meeting the Suffering of the World meditation from Week 6, I strongly encourage you to extend this meditation by writing an imaginal conversation with the Great Being that held you during this meditation.
Meeting the Suffering of the World - 14:20 min I created this guided meditation to help you feel into the suffering of the world in such a way that you may begin to find some acceptance and support.
One way you could extend your experience is by writing an imaginal conversation with the Great Being that held you during this guided meditation. Here's an example of how to start your written imaginal conversation, and then let it unfold organically from here: Me: Hello Great Being. I am glad to be with you, and am wondering if you're open to having a conversation with me? Great Being: Sure, I'm always here to help. I'm happy to talk with you...what's on your mind? Me: Lately I've been struggling with..... and am wondering what you might have to say about this.
Judith Blackstone's Realization Process - Guided meditations I have recorded a number of Judith Blackstone's excellent meditations supporting embodied consciousness awakening.
Fundamentals - select core Realization Process meditations
Especially for sensitive people - meditations from Judith's book
“When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it's bottomless, that it doesn't have any resolution, that this heart is huge, vast, and limitless. You begin to discover how much warmth and gentleness is there, as well as how much space."